Friday, April 29, 2011

Lullaby Music

Is Lullaby Music A Good Thing for My Baby?

It is amazing how many new parents want to know if getting their baby used to going to sleep with lullaby music playing is a good idea. The easiest way to answer this is to say that parents have been using music in one form or another to help their babies relax and drift peacefully off sleep with less fussing and stress since the beginning of time.

At Joy Filled Music we have carefully researched and created a CD filled with lullaby music that you can use to not only help your baby fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. The CD also includes positive stories and sounds that your child will hear while they are sleeping. Your child will wake up in the morning feeling more self-confident as well as rested, having gotten a much better night's sleep than he would have with no music playing. 

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sleep Music

Does Your Baby Need Sleep Music?

 When you go shopping for things to put in your baby's room, you are going to see mobiles that play music, crib side toys that have built in music players and a wealth of CDs filled with lullabies other types of sleep music for your baby. The question that many new parents have is whether or not their baby actually needs music to sleep by.

The answer to this is that throughout the course of history, mankind has used some form of music to lull our babies to sleep at nap time and especially at the end of the day. While there is definitely nothing cast in stone that says you have to provide sleep music for your baby, at Joy Filled Music we have created a CD filled with lullabies and uplifting stories that will not only help your baby get to sleep faster, but stay asleep longer and wake up refreshed in the morning. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Children Sleeping

Music is still the Best Way to Get Children Sleeping 

Over the years we as a society have tried a number of different ways to get children sleeping, when they are having a hard time dropping off to sleep. From the rocking chair to the musical mobile and a variety of high tech ways, we can spend hundreds of dollars trying to help our children sleep. What we find is that music really is still the best way to get children sleeping you simply need to choose the right music.

Music should be soothing and easy to listen to; high energy music should be avoided since it will only make the problem worse not better. Music that sends positive messages about being loves and safe has been shown to help as well, children pick up a lot more than we give them credit for and sending the right message can help a great deal. Visit Joy Filled Music for more information about our Dream CD that will help your child drift off into a happy relaxed sleep. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Baby Music Online

Try Our Baby Music Online

If you are looking for the right lullaby music for your baby, you will find that there are so many different choices that it can be hard to make the  right decision as to which one is going to be best for your child.  At Joyfilled Music we want to encourage you to try our baby music online before you buy it.

By listening to introduction to each track, you'll be able to see how the songs and stories start up matching your child's higher energy mood and gradually lull them into a more relaxed state.

Take a listen and you'll understand what makes this CD so different than the others on the market.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Music for Children

Music for Children to Help Your Child Sleep

It is not that hard to find plenty of fun filled music for children to sing and dance to, you will find that there is an endless supply of CDs filled with this kind of music. However, when you are looking for music to play at bed time to get them to calm down, relax and drift off to sleep, you may find that your choices are far more limited.

At Joy Filled Music we have create the Dream Child CD that is filled with music specifically chosen for its ability to relax your child and allow their busy minds to calm down so that they can drift off to sleep. Once asleep our music selections are filled with stories and tones that will help them to feel loved and safe so that they stay asleep longer and wake up in the morning feeling refreshed, healthy and happy. 

Friday, April 22, 2011

Baby Music

Give Your Child a Head Start with Baby Music

There are so many things that you can do to give your to your child to help them get off to a good start in life. Perhaps one of the best things you can do is put them to bed right from the day you bring them home from the hospital with baby music playing softly in the background all night long.

According to research done by leading doctors, the most formative years in a child's life are from birth until he is approximately 7 years old. By starting him off listening to baby music such as that from Joy Filled Music, you will be helping him to develop important learning skills that will go on to serve him well throughout the rest of his life. This music should include songs with positive messages in it that can help to boost self-confidence and mental well-being. 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Lullaby Music

Lullaby Music Is Steeped in History

For as long as mankind has existed we have used some form of lullaby music to help our babies drift off to sleep feeling calm and loved. This music has always been simple in its structure and sung or played softly so as to help baby relax and slide into sleep as his brain's activity relaxes with the gentle notes of the music.

While very few parents today have the time, the energy or in many cases, the inclination to sing to their babies, there are other alternatives. Today we can provide our babies with the lullaby music they need to calm down and go to sleep electronically. At Joy Filled Music we have created a special CD filled with music that will help your baby go to sleep and then help them to stay asleep longer so that they wake up feeling relaxed and well rested in the morning. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sleep Music

Are You Playing Sleep Music to Your Baby

If you are a new parent you may not be aware of the value of playing sleep music to your baby at bed time. As many parents and scientific research can tell you, playing music for your baby while he is trying to drift off to sleep can help him relax and fall asleep much more quickly than simply leaving him lying in his crib in silence.

Your choice of sleep music is just as important as your decision to use music in the first place as some music is more effective than others. Consider the case of heavy rock music, the fast beat and loud rhythms are more likely to over stimulate your baby instead of calm him down. At Joy Filled Music we have created a very special CD of music that will not only help your baby drift off to sleep, but help him to sleep longer and give you a chance to get a good night's sleep yourself. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Children Sleeping

Music Helps Keep Children Sleeping

When your life is filled with lots of activities and your neighborhood is not the quietest place to be at night, your children can't help but be affected by it. One good thing about children is that it usually doesn’t take much to get them to relax and drift off to sleep. One of best ways to help children with sleeping is to play a little music softly in the background.

At Joy Filled Music we have worked together to create a CD filled with music that has been chosen specifically to help your children with sleeping. More than just music to help your children unwind and drift off to sleep at the end of hectic day, our music CD contains a selection of songs and stories that offer positive reinforcement while they sleep that will help to build their self-esteem by touching there subconscious mind. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Baby Music Online

Try Our Baby Music Online Before You Buy It

Finding the right music to help your baby drift off to sleep is no easy task as there are so many different styles and choices to work through. Although choice is always a good thing, sometimes having too much choice can be a bad thing. At Joy Filled Music we want you to feel good about the music you are going to be letting your baby listen to and have made it possible to try our baby music online.

We believe that the only way for you to really know if the music you are planning to buy is to listen to it. Unlike so many online retailers who only allow you to listen to a very short clip of their baby music online, we want you to listen to a complete track so that you are 10% satisfied that you are making the right choice.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Seeing Your Child's Gifts

Even when our children start getting older, they still adore the reassurance they have always taken for granted about how much they are loved.  And what an important role we can play in seeing their gifts by reflecting to them what we are experiencing in their company.

I remember my mother telling me I could do anything I wanted to do.  I shrugged her off, but I have to admit, that is one of the key voices in my head 'I can do anything I want to do.'  We are creating voices in our children's subconscious so we may as well make them positive ones.

Taking the time to watch our children and reflect what we see is the best kind of reinforcement as it is very specific so the child can tell it is true.  For example, I noticed you put your plate into the dishwasher last night and tonight, you are such a great contributor to our household.  Thank you.  Or I loved the funny story you told at dinner, I love to laugh.  You have a wonderful sense of humour.  Catching them being thoughtful, kind, sharing is wonderful - just watch your child glow as you reflect back to them what you see.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How to Easily Enroll Your Child

Children LOVE hearing stories, particularly children under 9 (but even those over 9 tend to still like stories).  So whatever it is that you want to enroll your child to do, all you need to do is create a make believe story modeling what you want.

For example, if you want your child to be polite to guests when they visit your house.  You can tell a simple story about the bear family - mama bear, father bear and their 2 cubs.  Each cub can have an interesting personality to make the story more exciting.  Your story can include one cub being rude to all the guests and some of the natural consequences of that (parents not being very keen to have that cub over for playdates with their cubs perhaps).  Then how the cub learns to be kind and welcoming to guests and some natural consequences of that and how everyone felt when it all worked out.

Whenever I am stuck and trying to figure out how to teach something, I find this method helps my child learn in a way that is fun for them.  From a science perspective, until age 9, a child's cognitive brain is not well developed yet, so stories is a way they can retain the information more effectively.  Also it creates a lovely connection time between us parents and our child...and forces us to use some creativity in our day....I find I even have fun with it and am sometimes surprised where the stories take us.

Why not try telling a story out and see what makes car rides much more fun.

Friday, April 8, 2011

How To Best Support Your Child When They Have Troubles With Friends

I was talking with a friend today, and I realized as parents, it is so hard when our child's feeling are deeply hurt.  We just want to make our child feel better and sometimes we are tempted to minimize what they are experiencing wanting them to see it as more minor too - hoping that will take the pain away.    And at times this or a quick fix can work well.  But a big part of our role is to support them in solving things for themselves and there are some wonderful techniques for that.

And before we start solving issues, we need to help soothe them as we anyone is really upset, their brain is in fight or flight, so they are not in the best problem solving mode.  So if it isn't an easy fix, it is best to empathize with the child.  This isn't easy because sometimes it may seem foolish to be upset about something that seems small to us, or even perhaps more challenging is when we can remember the pain of being excluded, whispered about, or feeling betrayed by a friend and it actually feels worse when we see it happening to our precious child.  We may just want to try and make it better fast.

What helps me in taking the time to empathize is the image of an unconditionally loving grandma in a rocking chair, who is holding a child in her arms really listening and understanding.  These warm arms without speaking are saying, it's all going to be alright, and i understand your pain, you are loved.  I think if we feel understood, we feel a little less alone in the world when we are troubled.

So by not minimizing or trying to fix everything, and instead of discussing the thoughts and words, taking the time to resonant with our child's underlying feeling.  Sometimes I've found that is all my daughter needs is to be understood (words like "I'd feel so hurt if that happened to me, I can remember that kind of thing happening and it was awful...." can help).  The warmth between us is much higher when she feels understood, and then sometimes the whole thing is forgotten, or sometimes when she is through the emotional period, we can work on solving the issue.

The image of this grandma helps ground me and slow me down.  My first reaction is wanting it to be different for my child and when I sit in a loving accepting place, I feel more able to be of a comfort to my child.   My hope is that she will continue to feel she can share her disappointments as well as her successes with me.  And when I slow down and feel, I can recognize what is happening for her and decifer if it is fear, disappointment, anger or hurt or all of them.    We all have these feelings so we can empathize.  I know when I feel held and understood, I am more able to face the world and deal with it.    And I notice when I can provide that for her, it helps build her resilience.  In fact, sometimes I envy her resilience and how well she can bounce back into life and I learn from her.  The gift of many children is that they teach us how to let go and see each day as a new one, and a little understanding and love goes a long way.