Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Lullaby Music

Lullaby Music – Does Lullaby Music Really Work?

When you want to get your baby to sleep sometimes you will try just about anything to help them drift off into a deep sleep. Lullaby music is one of the time honored and many times over testing cures to a baby that is fussy. Not only will lullaby music help you baby relax but many times music can help them drift off to sleep easily and without a lot of fuss. 

If you want to find lullaby music that you can count on working for you, you may want to check out the CD at Joy Filled Music. We have carefully researched what will help our child fall asleep faster as well as sleep more soundly. The results is a CD that offers positive messages that will help our baby fall asleep feeling loved and safe. In the morning you will find a baby that is well rested and feeling loved and ready to go.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Sleep Music

Sleep Music - What to Look For In Sleep Music for Kids
 You want to do everything you can not only to help your kids sleep well but also to make sure that they can fall asleep on their own independently without a nightly battle. The key to that is to give your kids a routine and give them something special to look forward to every night when bedtime arrives. A story and then the right type of sleep music can be just the right thing for your little tot, finding the right sleep music is important however since it must be able to help them drop off to sleep.
The right type of sleep music should be soft and gentle, relaxing your child and getting him ready for the sleep state. Anything to bouncy or exciting may just do the opposite, and have your child ready for play time. Sleep music should contain positive messages that will send them off to having happy dreams. At Joy Filled Music we offer music just for babies and tots that will help them find the state of relaxation and drift into a relaxed and contented sleep.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Children Sleeping

Children Sleeping - Using Music to Soothe your Child to Sleep

Life is crazy and hectic, you get up in the morning and your child's day is non-stop go from the time they wake up until the time they go to sleep. Getting ready for day care, bundling them up in the car, playing all day with all the other kids, coming home, dinner, bath time and then to bed. By then you may find that your child is too overstimulated to fall off to sleep, everything in their life stimulates them, then you want them to slow down, relax and drift off to sleeping, getting children sleeping can be a challenge at the best of times and a major frustration at others. 

One of the best ways to help your child shift gears and get ready for sleep is by offering them music at bedtime, when combining this with a well-defined routine, getting children sleeping will be much easier than it has been in the past. At Joy Filled Music we have put together a music CD that is specially designed to help get your child off to sleep and help them relax and have a restful night.

Sleep Music

Are You Playing Sleep Music for Your Baby?

Many parents do not realize the value of playing sleep music for your baby. Scientific research has determined that playing music for your baby as he is lying in his crib trying to go to sleep can have a calming effect. Even more importantly, the continuous sound of music has also been proven to stimulate the development of your baby's brain.

Your choice of sleep music is very important as not all music is likely to have the same effect. For instance, loud rock music is more likely to over stimulate your baby's brain instead of letting him drift off to sleep. At Joy Filled Music we have created a lullaby style of music that will help your baby to gently ease into sleep and to sleep far longer into the night or all night as he ages and awaken feeling refreshed and happy. 

Monday, May 23, 2011

Music for Children

Playing Music for Children Can Let You Get Your Rest

As parents we all know what is like when we are not able to get a good night's sleep from time to time. However when the occasional night without sleep starts to become a routine every night of the week, it is time that you do something about it. One of the best ways to calm your child down and help them to relax so that they can sleep is to play them a selection of music for children.

At Joy Filled Music we have created a CD filled with music for children including both instrumental pieces and songs that will give your child with a feeling of warmth and security. We have found that when you give your child warm and happy music and songs to listen to, they will drift happily off to sleep and as long as you let it play continuously will sleep much longer every night. 

Friday, May 20, 2011

Baby Music

Did You Know Your Baby Loves Music?

If you talk to your doctor, he is likely to tell you that not only should you play music for your unborn baby, but that he highly recommends baby music as it has been proven to stimulate the development of your baby's brain. Research has shown that babies who are exposed to music while they are in the womb show significantly higher performance in both reading and mathematical skills.

Children who listen to baby music in the womb and afterward such as that available at Joy Filled Music, have been found to have better control of their bodies and much higher levels of concentration. It also helps to develop a much more relaxed and stronger bond between mother and baby that will last a lifetime. Your baby loves music even before he born, give your child a great start in life by playing him a variety of music both in utero and long after he is born. 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Children Sleeping

Are Your Children Sleeping at Night?

If you are having problems with your children sleeping at night, there could be any number of reasons why. One of the main reasons that many children seem to have problems sleeping is that their minds are very active, even when they are trying to sleep. While this is quite normal in a young growing mind, it can make it very hard for children to not only get to sleep but to sleep soundly all night long.

At Joy Filled Music we understand this and at the same time we realize that there is something that we as parents can do about it. Since the beginning of time parents have used some form of music to help their babies get to sleep, our CDs have been designed along this principle and can help children of all ages not only go to sleep faster, but to enjoy a much deeper and more restful sleep. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Baby Music Online

The Advantage of Buying Your Baby Music Online

While you can probably find a selection of music for your baby in many different stores, you will find that there are advantages to buying your baby music online. To start with, you will find that the average online retailer will let you listen to at least a small clip of the music you are buying. You will find that the selection online can be much better as well.

At Joy Filled Music we think that the best reason for buying your baby music online from us is that we let you listen to an entire track from our CD to help you decide if it is the right music for you and your baby. We have created a CD filled with relaxing music that will help your baby drift off to sleep more quickly at night and then serenade him while he sleeps with stories and songs that provide positive reinforcement that will let him wake up feeling refreshed and self-confident. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Lullaby Music

Want to Play Lullaby Music but Can't Sing

Do you want to sing your baby to sleep but are one of the few people who can't carry a tune in a bucket? While your baby will respond quite happily to any crooning sounds you might make , there is nothing wrong with wanting to find a CD or two filled with gentle lullaby music for him to listen to as he falls asleep and then through the night.

It is well known fact that singing or playing some kind of lullaby music for your baby at nap or bed time will help them to relax and calm their busy little brains down so that can drift off to sleep more easily. At Joy Filled Music we have created a CD that is filled with music that has been created specifically with helping your little one to go to sleep and stay asleep longer so everyone in the house can get a good night's sleep. 

Monday, May 16, 2011

Sleep Music

Treat Your Baby to Sleep Music

If you are having problems getting your little one to calm down and go to sleep at night, perhaps it is time that you changed the way you are putting him to bed at night. Most parents are aware of the fact that a good lullaby can help a baby to relax and go to sleep; the problem is that once you stop singing and put your little in bed, he wakes up.

You change this situation by following up your personal lullaby with a CD filled with specially chosen sleep music from Joy Filled Music. It is a proven fact that you're treating your baby to soft music in the background while he sleeps will help him to sleep more deeply, sleep longer and wake up feeling more refreshed. More importantly, playing sleep music will help you get some much needed rest as your baby sleeps all night. 

Writing the New Children's Music CD

As we are writing this new CD to help children sleep, it helps me realize the importance of transitions.  Our first version has short transitions between the story and the song, and I was aware how much more relaxing a 12 seconds of transition is than 2 seconds.

I also notice how children are much happier when there is transition time between one activity to the next activity.  And I think I am happier when I have some transition time.  I notice it more in others, when my husband comes up from work to dinner, I can see his head is sometimes still at work, rather than with us.  I suspect the same is true of me when I move from one thing to another without transition time.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

New Ways to Do Lullabies

The last thing my daughter wants to hear at bedtime is lullabies as she has no desire to go to sleep.  That is why we created a CD that started out with faster energy and an appealing story and slows it down by the end on the CD.  It is designed to match the children's energy level and then guide them to sleep.  Helping children sleep is our goal and we feel so happy hearing when it works.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Music for Children

Is It Possible That Music for Children Make Your Child Smarter?

You will find that with a little research on your own that it is the opinion of most pediatricians and research psychologists that the right type of music can actually help your child to learn faster. This research has shown over and again that playing classical music for your baby even when they are still in the womb leads to improved learning abilities.

In multiple test groups the results have shown time and again that those babies and infants who were exposed to music for children such as that created by Joy Filled Music have demonstrated a much higher level of learning abilities than those who were not. If you follow this by having them learn a musical instrument, it can boost their learning abilities and set them up to achieve much better success as they reach adulthood. 

Baby Music

What Is So Special About Baby Music?

With so many different companies producing CDs filled with “baby” music, it can lead a person to wonder what is so special about this type of music that it gets its own specific category, even in the bricks and mortar stores. This type of music can be broken down into two categories, that which is designed to provide positive reinforcement and foster a feeling of being loved and that intended to help the little one fall asleep at nap and bed time.

While this may be a perfectly acceptable categorization for most parents, at Joy Filled Music we believe that it is possible to create baby music that can do both. In light of this we have created a CD that is filled with music that will send your baby happily off to sleep at night and then provide them with a steady stream of positive reinforcement stories and messages that will reach their sleeping mind and help them to wake up feeling content and loved. 

Lullaby Music

Give Your Baby a Good Night’s Sleep with the Right Lullaby Music

While there are some babies that never seem to have a problem drifting off to sleep at night, they are few and far between. For the rest mom and dad must find a way to help them relax at bed time so that they can go to sleep. For centuries the time tested way to make this happen has been the use of some form of lullaby music.

Unlike the fun and exciting music you might play during the day, the right lullaby music should be more soft and relaxing with gentle melodies that help your baby’s active mind to slow down and relax. At Joy Filled Music we have created a CD filled with carefully researched music that has been proven to be helpful in getting your baby to go to sleep at night and to stay asleep longer.

Creating baby music

Although we have many families enjoying our wonderful CD each night, the best music to a child's ears are his parents voices.  Singing your child a song before bed is the best for them.  They are completely connected to you and so hearing their parent sing is a the best baby music.  Also as you sing, it relaxes you and as the child is so connected to you, as you relax, they relax.

So tonight, turn off the computer and just sing to your child.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Sleep Music

Do You Play Your Baby Sleep Music?

As a new parent you may not realize the value of playing sleep music for your baby. Research has proven that playing music for your baby as he is lying in his crib trying to go to sleep can have a calming effect. Not only this, but the steady sound of music has also been proven to stimulate the development of your baby's brain.

It is important that you are very careful in your choice of sleep music as not all music is likely to have the same effect. For instance, heavy metal music is more likely to over stimulate your baby's brain instead of letting him drift off to sleep. At Joy Filled Music we have developed a lullaby style of music that will help your baby to gently ease into sleep and to sleep far longer into the night or all night as he ages and awaken feeling refreshed and happy. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Children Sleeping

Get Your Children Sleeping Better at Night

When your life is one big rush after another, you may find that your kids start to react to all of the hustle and bustle by not being able to get to sleep at night. Children, unlike adults seem to have the ability to relax more quickly and get off to a good night's sleep with nothing more than a little music in the background. Using music to help with children sleeping goes far back to when they were a baby and you used lullabies to help them drift off.

At Joy Filled Music we have created a CD filled with music specifically to help children with sleeping. Not only will this music help your children to relax at the end of the day and drift off to sleep, it will help to build their self-esteem as they sleep, through positive reinforcement stories and songs that are designed to reach the subconscious mind.  

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Baby Music Online

Finding the Right Baby Music Online

As night time settles in and your baby shows no sign of settling down to sleep it can soon have you at your wits end. "I can't take another sleepless night!" When you finally get to this point you should consider thinking about buying baby music online to help your baby relax, calm down and finally drift gently off to sleep. Music has been used to help get young babies and children to sleep for centuries by relaxing their minds and blocking out the noises that are all around them.

So how do you find the right baby music online? You can always surf the web going from one web site to another and spend a fortune on countless CDs trying to find the select few that work or you can find a site like Joy Filled Music that specializes in creating music just for babies. The music we create is very simple by nature and has been designed to soothe your baby and help him to drift slowly and peacefully off to sleep at night. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Music for Children

Bedtime Music for Children Can Make a Difference

Most parents are well aware of the benefits of a lullaby in helping to get their babies to go to sleep at night, but once their child is no longer a baby the music stops. Sadly these same parents fail to see the benefits of using music for children to provide that same nurturing environment as they grow older.

Instead they think that rather than using music at bedtime, their children need silence to help them sleep. At Joy Filled Music we have created music for children, that is not only intended to help them get to sleep, but open their subconscious minds while they are asleep and provide them with positive messages. Research has shown that this type of music can help build their self-esteem and awaken feeling loved and safe at the end of a good night's sleep. 

Monday, May 2, 2011

Baby Music

Is There Such a Thing as Baby Music?

With so many different kinds of music on the market and a lot of talk about the benefits of using music to help babies get to sleep, one can't help but wonder if there is a specific genre of music known as baby music. The simple answer is yes, there is music that has been written specifically with babies in mind as the target audience.

In fact you will find that throughout history there has been music that has been known as baby music. There are literally hundreds if not more lullabies that have been created to help calm babies and send them off to sleep. At Joy Filled Music we have created a very special CD of music that can be played at bedtime to help your little one relax and drift off to sleep quickly at night.